Saturday, September 02, 2006

Currently reading....

Life Is So Good by George Dawson.
Bit of a change for me as I don't read a lot of biographical stuff. George Dawson was 101 when he wrote this book. He learned to read when he was 98. He's black and from Texas.
The first chapter tells the story of a young black boy being lynched because somebody's daughter got pregnant. Obviously the black fella raped her. When she gave birth to a white baby six months later, no one said a word. The next chapter revolves around his grandmother's and great-grandmother's recollections of the ending of slavery.
That's as far as I've got so far.


Shirl said...

sounds like a very interesting book. I'm kinda surprised you don't do biographies?

Julie said...

I have to read a lot of non-fiction for the job so when I'm reading for myself I tend to choose escapist stuff.
I've got a biog of Hunter S Thompson waiting to be read also...that'll be interesting. I'm saving it for the school holidays (in two weeks time, yay!). I think there's a Bill Hicks biog floating round the house too...might give that a go as well.